Imagine you live here! THE FUMBA TIMES, Sept-Nov 2019

How chimpanzee icon Jane Goodall discovered Fumba, how to eco-recycle your garbage, why Zanzibar’s Tourism minister Mahmoud Kombo likes expensive hotel rooms and why Zanzibar is now among the TOP TEN kite surfing spots in the world – all this and much, much more now in the new September-November 2019 edition of THE FUMBA TIMES, Zanzibar’s first english language newspaper.

Breaking News: The new FUMBA TIMES, September – November 2019. Get your hard copy now or check it out here first
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The first english language newspaper of Zanzibar.
Your newspaper with perspicacity.
Get your copy now, all over town in Zanzibar, Dar Es Salaam, Muscat, Nairobi, Dubai. And the lucky ones who live already in Fumba Town, the growing eco city of Zanzibar, or have booked housing there will get the newspaper delivered straight to their mailbox wherever they reside (at least that’s the plan!). Watch out for the postman, dears.
And: Let us hear your feedback! We look forward to your reactions and suggestions.