Zanzibar bliss

It’s been a year since we started this blog, and a year since our book „From Sansibar with love“ came out. Five years since we met.
A couple of thousand sold copies later, several talkshows and many articles done – still in a bubble of bliss. Although, I must admit, too often separated between Hamburg and Zanzibar, getting into fiercy Whatsapp wars, but then also reunited in Mallorca, Winterhude, Victoria Garden and elsewhere.
Here a little road map to German-Zanzibarian commonalities. Stay with us – and Zanzibar.

Flirting in Palma: My friend and pillar in Mallorca, Ute, also introduced us to this sunset bar above Soller where bliss set in

My first fan? Ahmed pointing to a poster of our reading in Spain, I am very greatful for his steady support

Train to nowhere? But no: From Soller to Palma in Mallorca, we realised we don’t only go well but travel well together

Five years after, under Baboo’s Cafe at the seafront of Stone Town: Writings on the wall…Photo: Heidi Froehlich