A love poem

Tamu kama nini
The countless nights on the sofa watching Spartacus/24 hours/ Downtown Abbey
The thousand times I fall asleep
The sweet pilaus and biriyanis we cook together
The way you say I don’t know how to cook biriyani
The million moments we make love
The two ducks you kill
The million times you run to the market for me
The half of the maize grain you keep for me
The chicken breast you put into my mouth
Our loving faces we wake-up to in the morning
Never one time I wait for you in vain
Never one second I am not thinking of you when abroad
The one-thousand-five-hundred-twenty-two whatsapps we send each other
The precious times I walk behind you to fall in love with your steps
The time you take me dancing in the bedroom
The sweet words which stay forever
The book I wrote for you
The day you say: Don’t you know you work for me
The irreplacable help you give me
The millions I earn for you
The hundreds of chardonnays and kahawas, juisi ya tende’s and kakadeh’s
My infinite admiration for you
Your infinite admiration for me
Our infinite admiration for each other
Don’t say No.