Breaking News: Zanzibar open to tourism again

The new FUMBA TIMES, June-August 2020, has hit the newsstands just as Zanzibar declared itself open to tourism again beginning of June – one of the first destinations in the world to do so.

Cover page of the new THE FUMBA TIMES, our local paper from Zanzibar
Coronavirus on Zanzibar
In the new issue of Zanzibar’s first english-language local lifestyle paper we of course dwell on the corona pandemic and the consequences, even for a small archipelago in the Indian Ocean.

Cartoon by island artist Arnout van Marmeren about corona and other masks in Zanzibar: „All Ninjas now“

„We must stay vigilant“
We feature an indepth-interview with medical authority Dr. Ghirmay Andemichael, WHO representative in Zanzibar, about the corona crisis and its effects on Zanzibar and an insider report on when and how tourism may come back with many voices from the industry.

„Some of Africa’s population might have a different immune response“ says Dr. Ghirmay Andemichael, WHO liaison in Zanzibar
Eco & more: Unexpected news from Africa
Staycation – the best hotel deals now!

Surpreme sublime: The most romantic roof terraces of Emerson on Hurumzi Hotel are awaiting guests. „We have taken all necessary hygienic and safety precautions“ assures manager Lisenka Beetstra
Fumba Town – Zanzibar’s first eco city
The first English language newspaper in Zanzibar also talks about how the growing eco city Fumba Town on Zanzibars peninsula Fumba – who gave the newspaper its name. FUMBA TOWN where you can rent or buy beach flats and houses starting already at 20 000 Euro finds a lot of buyer’s demand during the coronacrisis. Why? It has turned out to be the perfect model for a self-sustained green lifestyle – amid a global health crisis. With your own fresh water, veggie supply, 94 per cent waste recycling and neighbours from all over the world. Check it out and maybe see ya there?

Fumba Town – a white eco city for the middle class in Zanzibar. People from 50 nations have bought apartments and houses here already
Fumba Town – how much is a house or apartment?
Have a look for yourself here!