THE FUMBA TIMES: Look, who was in town…

The new FUMBA TIMES, March-May 2020, has some Hollywood stars covered who were visiting Zanzibar, Michael Douglas and his wife Catherine Zeta-Jones, but is also asking (and answering) the hard questions: Why – with half a million tourists on the island – is there still no drinking water for everybody? How will Africa live in the future, with an expected unbelievable populatiuon growth to 73 million people in Tanzania’s capital Dar es Salaam?

The first English language newspaper in Zanzibar also talks about the good side of life – if you think green and live self-sustained in lush tropical gardens with your own fresh water, your own veggie supply, 94 per cent waste recycling and neighbours from all over the world – as it happens in the new eco city Fumba Town.
The pre-Corona issue
When going to print Corona was just looming on the horizon – Dr. Jenny Bouraima addresses prevention measures in her column „Happy and Healthy“.