Adventskalender – Weihnachtsmarkt in Hamburg

Day 9 – From Sansibar with Love Advent calendar
Advent in Hamburg, 7189 kilometres away from Zanzibar. It’s this time of the year again: Ahmed and me jointly explored the Hamburg Christmas Markets on Junfgernstieg and Mühlenkamp, Winterhude some years ago when we spent time in Germany and Spain (photo above).
Now the Christmas markets are back…. and this time I am in Hamburg without him but with my family. Different feeling but also okay. When I am in Zanzibar we’d celebrate Christmas together, of course. I love my western traditions! Would not let go of them.
Here’s the Zanzibar version of Christmas on a Kanga print. Sinngemäß übersetzt: „Wenn Du nur um Dich selbst kreist, wirst Du alleine weinen.“

Zanzibar prose on a Christmas Kanga: „If you are stubborn, you’ll cry for yourself“
This one we really like
– by Kerzilein @Anamundi in Eppendorf.