Adventskalender: The Art of Living

Behind the 13th door – some rules of life:
Give your best
Keep your agreements
Take it serious
Complete your incompletes

Stone Town at night – millions of times I have strolled thru this dark alleys any time day or night, unharmed and safe
Wonderful rules to follow. Try it out. Success will be yours.
Nor more cranking days, no more whining, no more vitcims‘ mentality. You RULE your life.
Imagine it as a circle, when finished start all over again.
Suddenly all is easy, all will flow and fall into place. Whoever has heard this before, knows who my teacher was, hailing from the prairies of North America…

Magical: The centre of town in Zanzibar during full moon; the city beach is from here only 100 metres away

My destination very often: „Taperia“, the first and only Tapas bar in Zanzibar, only 3 minutes away from where we live
In this sense, have a harmonious Advent time!