Zanzibar Stone Town: Expiry date over?

Zanzibar has to get its act together and preserve its historical building, demands the UNESCO World Heritage foundation. Strongly they are criticising the new building of the Park Hyatt Hotel at the seafront „as encroaching the public beach“ and having „a significant adverse impact on the silhouette“ of Sansibar.
My story about the issue was published in SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG on 9 June 2016.
Here it is, together with photos to highlight the drastic situation.

Njia fungwa – road cloased: a new one-way traffic ring thru town shall ease the situation, but will it?

Unusual pool guests: a UNESCO site inspection at the Park Hyatt Sansibar earlier this year. Officials criticise the proximity of pool and bulding to the public beach

Sansibar downtown centre: left the terrace of the popular Taperia Bar, shops on the right. Not all renovations are done thoughtful

The man who guards Stone Town’s heritage: Dr. Issa Makarani with renovation plans for the collapsed national monument, the House of Wonder

And here the culprit: former Sultan’s palace Beit al Ajaib, now a museum, had to be closed to visitors because it might collapse any time. The right terraces have fallen down already